Saturday, June 27, 2015

Odd socks..

you know you have ADHD when...

You think...This blog is far too long...not gonna read anymore..

You have two laundry baskets overflowing with odd socks, always two, never more - Some escaped ones can also be found strewn around bedroom floors, landings, hallways, under sofa's.

The day arrives - the baskets are emptied into the middle of the floor, a good film put on for company....this is it...laying out the different many shades of white and black are there?

You are in the zone (or your mother in law is coming to stay) - so it does not overwhelm you, the momentous task is now an enjoyable project.

You delight in every pair find  'similar' designs - only to discover the perfect match  later rejoice in the new pile of 'pairs' despair at the lines of lonely did this happen? You can't remember buying that many socks but now you have 300 odd ones. Where did they come from,where do they go? It will remain a life long mystery. you throw the odd ones out?

 You really want to..but what if the other one turns up? It hurts to throw out a perfectly healthy sock. But if you can muster up the will to dispose of them, it feels good so good. No more odd socks from now on.

You will only buy plain black socks and plain white sports socks for the 5 men/boys in the can wear them to. It's a great plan. Christmas stockings next year will be awash with exactly the same socks. Inspired by this thought, you intend to take all pairs down to the homeless charity just before, throw out all odd ones and only have the new - all matching Christmas socks.

What could go wrong? It is a fool proof option. Also if there are only 7 pairs each of both colours, they will have to be washed regularly and put away in the drawers..the risk of another odd sock will be minimal...the plan is faultless...

No longer will you have to hide the two baskets in your bedroom, when visitors arrive, disguised amongst the clothes cascading over the end of your bed,  like a waterfall into the 'clothes river' on the floor. This will avoid the embarrassment of their kind offer to sort them out.

With all this in mind, you view the newly made pile of neat bundles, you feel the soft socks with
'Monday' written boldly on the side of the foot..(a past plan) could you give these away...last Christmas memories.

How excited do your family get when they open that brand new pack of socks. How they delight in that first week, putting a new matching pair on each day..priceless. Two weeks later...eek!

The 'ideas' side of your ever racing mind sees a positive solution...stopping for a tea break, armed with several goodies to munch on, you sit back and survey the sock covered floor.

'Ding' could make a picture ...with odd socks...all different sizes and colours, those baby socks long outgrown, the pink ones your niece left behind, the brightly coloured designer one, a special gift
from Aunty Catherine...all memories through socks in one big picture. Exciting!

You temporarily abandon the pairing project and drive to the shops, choosing the biggest picture frame you can find.  Back home, you remove the cheap print... feel guilty momentarily and wonder how you can use this  discarded image.

For now,  you fold it neatly and place it precariously  on top of  the big pile of papers on the kitchen table...

You line up and play around with various socks, an overwhelming euphoria  running through your veins...your mind takes you to the Nobel could win it for are thinking of a title...simple but effective..'where's the other one?' Yes! That's going to clinch it. Fame and fortune here you come.

The design complete to your satisfaction you glue them in, reassemble the frame and look for a picture hook. There are no picture hooks in the draw stuffed with 'all sorts', in a tangled mess. Strange because you feel sure that's the safe place
you would have put them.

The shops are now closed which means only one thing. You must find a nail in the shed. You find one that looks suitable and after half an hour, find the hammer under your bed..and bang in the nail.

Triumphantly you hang your masterpiece for the world to admire. It is slightly off centre and not quite as high as you intended, but you can live with that.

Many come and go with differing opinions on your 'art' are suprised at how many confessions it evokes and therein you recognise your kindred spirits...your friends to have ADHD...

So it is your duty to sit them down, in the lounge still strewn with Sunday's project,   scoop the one hundred and fifty three
(yes you did count them whilst sitting in you chair the night before) odd socks back into one of the laundry baskets, put the paired ones into the other basket, relax with a cup of tea and tell them.

A life long battle that can either consume you or you accept with Peace - that this is just one dimension of the diverse life we lead...rejoice in the fact God designed you to be unique...odd socks and all.

also lots of young people are deliberately wearing odd socks, you can also buy designer odd they are the new 'pairs' are at the height of that's a thought...selling odd socks?
Ps. You know you definitely have it when you realise your bathroom needs a good clean and you think...I could blog about odd socks.